This tool uses the PROJ5 Rust library, compiled to a 56KB WASM file in order
to transform a buffer of coordinates between longitude/latitude, UTM and
Web Mercator (EPSG 3857).
Enter your source coordinates into the field below and click convert.
Coordinates are seperated by comma, with 2 entries per row, like this:
8.40404, 45.28383
5.12345, 13.58589
Note: Coordinates are always X, then Y: (Longitude, Latitude) instead of (Latitude, Longitude)
and (Easting, Northing) instead of (Northing, Easting) like usual.
False easting (+ 500.000 m inside of UTM zone) and false northing
(+ 10.000.000 m for values above the equator) are accounted for automatically.
The output order will correspond to your input order.